Thursday, May 06, 2010

Pydev 1.5.7 released

It's just out and it's an almost required update (a critical bug was fixed in the debugger which could make it skip breakpoints).

Aside from that, many other niceties were added:

- Performance for really large files got considerably better
- The interpreter configuration will only update what's needed (duh)
- Editors have a unique representation considering all editors currently open
- Etc. See: for details.



Unknown said...

aptana with pydev cann't autocomplete for django.
I install django at /usr/share/python2.6/dist-packages in ubuntu 10.04.

Unknown said...

Thanks for speeding up the interperter library refreshing! That was really driving me crazy.

cardonator said...

ACK! You can still have multiple editors with the same name. Say I have an app named main. Inside main I have and If I open, the tab is named 'main'. If I open, the tab is named 'main'. The only distinguishable difference between the two is the icon (which is... okay, but not great).

Anonymous said...

The Django changes are sweet :)

A tiny problem though - I'm getting the m/v/t icons in the editor tab-bar, but not in the package explorer.

Fabio Zadrozny said...

If you want the name to show, you can change that in the preferences (although there's no option to show the name and keep the different icon -- I'll see if that can be added to the next release).

If you're using the java package explorer, it really won't work (pydev can't control it), but all should work in the Pydev package explorer (or in the project explorer).

cardonator said...

Personally, I'd like to see those work the same way as currently does. If I open main/, the tab says urls (main). It would be nice to have models (main) and views (main).

Fabio Zadrozny said...

If you go to 'window > preferences > pydev > editor > editor caption/icon' and select 'Show default python icon' in 'Django modules handling:', it should do what you want.

Reading it now it seems that's not intuitive. I'll fix that and add the option to keep the different icon while still adding the 'views' or 'models' in the caption.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing PyDev with us all!

I was wondering what was happening with the recent PyDev releases on Linux/OS X. I am running 1.5.7 and I keep getting import errors/warnings for System Libs e.g. always an "undefined variable" warning when importing 'gobject' and using 'gobject.GObject'. Also, I have an "unresolved import" when trying "import musicbrainz2" when clearly the package is in the System Libs (pymodules/python2.6).

On OS X, it is even worse: can't get 'appscript' to be processed correctly for import...

From the postings on this blog, it seems you are using a Windows machine primarily.

Thomas Woelz said...

Fabio, can't find how to setup code analysis. I don't want pylint, I want only the code analysis you had in Pydev. The website (manual) refers to a configuration menu that is not there anymore. How can I turn good ol' code analysis back on? Thanks!

Fabio Zadrozny said...

Thomas: answered you at

Translation Services said...

Nice post and thanks sharing the information with. Its really nice to read your blog.

Fabio Zadrozny said...

Problems in the code-completion are usually because of a misconfigured interpreter (usually the paths are wrong or an entry is missing in the forced builtins -- see:

If you still have problems, please ask at the pydev users forum: