Tuesday, August 15, 2017

PyDev 5.9.2 released (Debugger improvements, isort, certificate)

PyDev 5.9.2 is now available for download.

This version now integrates the performance improvements which were done in PyDev.Debugger for 3.6 (which use the new hook available by Python and changes bytecode to add calls to the debugger so that there's less overhead during the debugging -- note that this only really takes place if breakpoints are added before a given code is loaded, adding or removing breakpoints afterwards falls back to the previous approach of tracing).

Another nice feature in this release is that isort (https://github.com/timothycrosley/isort) can be used as the default engine for sorting imports (needs to be configured in preferences > PyDev > Editor > Code Style > Imports -- note that at that same preferences dialog you may save the settings to a project, not only globally).

There were also a number of bug-fixes... in particular one that prevented text searches from working if the user had another plugin which also used Lucene in a different version was really nasty... http://www.pydev.org has more details on the changes.

This is also the first release which is signed with a proper certificate (provided by Comodo) -- so, it's nice that Eclipse won't complain that the plugin is not signed when it's being installed, although I discovered that it isn't as useful as I thought... it does work as intended for Eclipse plugins, but for Windows, even signing the LiClipse installer will show a dialog for users (there's a more expensive version with extended validation which could be used, but I didn't go for that one) and on Mac OS I haven't even tried to sign as it seems Comodo certificates are worthless there (the only choice is having a development subscription from Apple and using a certificate Apple gives you... the verification they do seems compatible with what Comodo gives, which uses a DUNS number, so, it's apparently just a point of them wanting more $$$/control, not really being more secure), so, currently Mac users will still use unsigned binaries (the sha256 is provided for users which want to actually check that what they download is what's being distributed).

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