Friday, June 23, 2017

mu-repo: Dealing with multiple git repositories

It's been a while since I've commented about mu-repo, so, now that 1.6.0 is available, I decided to give some more details on the latest additions ;)

-- if you're reading this and don't know what mu-repo is, it's a tool (done in Python) which helps when dealing with multiple git repositories (providing a way to call git commands on multiple repositories at once, along some other bells and whistles). has more details.

The last 2 major things that were introduced where:

1. A workflow for creating code-reviews in multiple repositories at once.

2. The possibility of executing non-git commands on multiple repositories at once.

For #1, the command mu open-url was created. Mostly, it'll compare the current branch against a different branch and open browser tabs making replacements in the url passed with the name of the repository ( has more info and examples on how to use this for common git hosting platforms).

For #2, it's possible to execute a given command in the multiple tracked repositories by using the mu sh command. Mostly, call mu sh and pass the command you want to issue in the multiple tracked repositories.

e.g.: calling mu sh python develop will call python develop on each of the tracked repository directories.

That's it... enjoy!

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