Thursday, August 20, 2015

PyDev 4.3.0 (improved searching)

PyDev 4.3.0 is out now ;)

The main focus on this release was on ironing out the new search dialog (which makes searching even huge codebases almost instant).

Also, there was a high-priority fix which made the Python 3.x parser accept async and await as regular names and not only keywords.

LiClipse 4.3.0, which had several enhancements in its parsing structure to make the editor even faster was also released to include the new PyDev version.

And as always, thank you very much to the PyDev supporters which help on keeping the PyDev development going strong.


  1. Hey Fabio! I have problems doing PyDev searches in latest LiClipse. It's not finding anything although 1 occurence is just currently selected. The Search dialog says: "Note: only modules in the PyDev index will be searched (valid modules below a source folder)."
    But what is the PyDev index, how can I verify that it's a source folder?
    I already marked the project as PyDev project.

    Darn I just wanted to move from Eclipse+PyDev to LiClipse to have a more lightweight IDE.

  2. A source folder is the folder added to the PYTHONPATH -- see:

    Note that the old search was mostly the regular file search filtering with *.py, so, if you're unsure of something you may just use that one as you did use the PyDev file search previously (the new search indexes based on how the PyDev is seeing things based on its internal indexes -- which are used for code completion for instance -- if you do have a case where the project is properly configured and it's not finding something though, please create a bug report with the steps to reproduce the issue as this is something that should be fixed).

  3. Ah cool! Yea thanks! I saw it helped when I explicitly added the project to PYTHONPATH.

    Could be nice to see problems like that a little more obvious. Maybe have an overview over the actually indexed projects, packages and modules. So you see Oh my module isn't even in there! So why is that...

  4. Actually, you'll note that folders under the PYTHONPATH have a different icon (i.e.: a package icon), so, you should spot that directly (i.e.: if it has a regular folder icon and not a package icon, something is not properly configured, such as theres an missing or the folder is not under a source folder).
