Thursday, September 03, 2009

Pydev 1.5.0 (Pydev Extensions Open Sourced)

Today, Aptana is proud to announce that Pydev and Pydev Extensions have become a single plugin, with all the available contents open source (and freely available for anyone) in the 1.5.0 release (it's the same as 1.4.8 but with all the code open source).

With that, Aptana believes in providing a better service and growth path for Pydev (which will still be actively maintained by Aptana), enabling anyone to provide contributions to the previously closed source product, while providing its Cloud customers a better service.

Note for those already using Pydev or Pydev Extensions:

The update site has been changed (see: for more details) and if you had a previous install of Pydev Extensions, you need to uninstall it before installing the new version of Pydev.

Note for developers:

Pydev is now available under git (at github), and its previously used subversion will be disabled. Instructions on getting the source code from the new location is available at:


  1. This is a nice kick in the balls for those of us who just paid for another yearly license.

  2. Claus Hausberger12:03 AM

    Fantastic News. Thanks a lot for doing this. PyDev is great and at the moment my favorite Python IDE.

  3. @Matt Chaput:

    First, let me say that we truly appreciated the support you've given to Pydev while buying a Pydev Extensions license -- those payments were what kept Pydev going on for a long time, and actually enabled Pydev to get to the point it is now... When I started developing Pydev, it relied only on donations, but unfortunately, it's much easier to get money from something closed source than it's from something open source, so, it got to a point where going closed source was the only way to go.

    Now, with the Aptana acquisition, and other sources of revenue, Pydev is now able to go to its original plan, which is being available for anyone... And existing users can treat that in 2 ways, as a loss or as a gain -- although in my view it's a bit unfair treating it as a loss, as it's mostly just a perceived loss, because you actually still have what you paid for -- and more because you now have source code access and will be able to use it for more than 1 year and will still have proper support, and as I said previously, that was the money that got it to be open source again.

    Now, if you're still unhappy about the situation, please drop me and e-mail so that I can see what can be done...

  4. Thank you for Open Sourcing this - I paid of a PyDev subscription along the way and I certainly love that it is open source today. Thanks again Fabio for doing this!

  5. How cool! Thanks a lot! We loved the Pydev + Extensions combo -- now it just gets better!

  6. Glad I paid for my yearly license. Pydev Extensions is/was worth it. Great news about a great product!

  7. rodolfo11:43 AM

    as a paying pydev extension customer I must say thumbs up!

  8. I have also been a paying customer and I want to thank you for what you have done. Keep up the good work.

  9. David8:10 AM

    @Matt Chaput:

    So the software was worth your money before, but now that you have the additional rights of inspecting, modifying and sharing the code, it no longer has value?

    I don't understand this attitude, although I see that it's common enough.

  10. As a paying customer I, too, am quite glad to see this. I love pydev+extensions

  11. Cool. I have updated my little Python/ Pydev tutorial for version 1.5:

  12. Anonymous6:35 PM

    I've been waiting anxiously for the extensions to be open-sourced.

    Great news!

  13. Anonymous3:46 PM

    This is so great! I kind of always wanted to start using Python seriously, but IDLE is simply not up to the task. Productivity I gained with Python, I lost with IDLE. But now it's a different story! PyDev rocks! Thank you very, very much for it!

  14. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Cool !! It seems that the Google App Engine manager (upload/manage app) is gone with 1.50 ? Bug ?

  15. The App Engine works for me... please ask in the forum to see what could be wrong (as this blog is not the appropriate place for discussing this).

  16. Hi Fabio

    I just installed pydev and I'm getting the following message:

    pydev debugger: warning: psyco not available for speedups (the debugger will still work correctly, but a bit slower)

    I found pysco and installed that to. Why is it still giving me that message?


  17. great tool, thanks for releasing it open source! one small problem: from __future__ import print_statement doesn't work. not a big issue though.
