Saturday, February 02, 2008

Pydev 1.3.12: bug in outline

The release has been out for some days now, but there's one bug in that release I think is worth mentioning: the outline is not behaving as it should: the actions are not there and it doesn't link with the editor.

This is already fixed in the cvs and will be released next week in a bugfix release...

Nice tip: Always remember to check if a weak-reference is still alive before trying to access it -- this specific portion of the code hasn't been changed in a while, but after changing other things this bug started to show...

Ain't it amazing how software works? I wonder if this kind of thing will be a thing of the past at some point in the future...

Testing for common situations and expanding those tests as bugs are found seems to be the best alternative (currently) -- this is a good feature on dynamic languages: you're never left thinking that if it compiles it works... that's never true anyways -- but it would be nice if there was a better way to ensure things work :)

I guess code-analysis helps there, but it is surely not foolproof... and the number of false positives must also be taken into account: that's one of the reasons why 'self' access check has not been added to pydev extensions: the number of false positives in some sample programs was showing that it was too common to access attributes that the code-analysis couldn't get.

If you think in the dynamic world, code-analysis is also more limited (as there's less info to work on)... The pydev extensions code-analysis helps while you're programming in the same way that a compiler would help you catch stupid errors... and having it does not ensure the program will work anyways (although I think it makes life much more pleasant!... I can't even imagine myself programming in python without having those errors gotten by the code-analysis... the code-run cycle is much slower without it, mostly because the run part ends up acting as the code-analysis -- which should have happened in the code part).

And you know... after you know the reason for the bug it is usually easy fixing it. The hard part is always discovering the bug (which is what we try to tackle with tests, code-analysis, code-reviews... ... ... )!

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