Wednesday, December 06, 2006

What's going on in pydev

Ok, almost 3 weeks without posting anything...

I'm still working in the package explorer implementation for pydev. I think most current bugs are solved, and what's still missing before a release is handling working sets correctly (which I hope won't take too much).

After taking a look at the way I should handle it, it appears that my ITreeContentProvider implementation (hierarchy below) must be able to handle an IWorkingSet:

BaseWorkbenchContentProvider (ITreeContentProvider)
--> PythonBaseModelProvider (IResourceChangeListener, IPythonNatureListener)
----> PythonModelProvider (IPipelinedTreeContentProvider)

So, basically the inputChanged(Viewer viewer, Object oldInput, Object newInput) method from the PythonBaseModelProvider must be extended so that it works accordingly if the newInput is an IWorkingSet. I hope it won't prove too difficult (but I thought that creating the IPipelinedTreeContentProvider -- which is basically replacing objects that are from the resource domain for objects that are from the pydev domain -- would be very easy, but it ended up not being that straightforward (anyway it seems that it is already working correctly).

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