Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Release 0.9.0 and some updates

Hi All...

Release 0.9.0 has been out for 2 weeks now... I think (not that I'm not impartial) that it is becoming a heck on an IDE...

Code completion has been slightly improved and the new PyLint version had great improvements over its last version. Still, code completion does not seem to work with 2.4 sometimes... I will have to take a look at it later on...

As for PyLint, I find it very helpful to discover many simple errors... it still needs some work when working with compiled modules, but it has improved greatly in the overall - if you want to enforce some coding standards it is also a great tool.

Yesterday I updated the homepage. Mostly because I wanted to put a 'sponsors section', because I would not be able to keep on with PyDev if I hadn't the support of my current employer and I'm also looking for more support to keep the project going... I think the Python community is growing a lot, and I believe my chances in suceeding in this are very good...


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